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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Echoes (Michelli Family Series #3) by Kristen Heitzmann


Reviewed by Kay S. Walsh (Harrisonburg Virginia), October 23, 2007

Visceral. Edgy. Awesome.

Lance, in his quest of seeking God's will, has found gifts that bring both healing and burden. He and Rese explore the future with optimistic caution. Each so different, yet uniquely bonded.

Sophie, Lance's sister, is caught between her past, present and future. When all three confront her at the same time, fireworks result. (Would we expect anything less of a Michelli?) Sophie had loved a man and his daughter. Sophie came to cherish his daughter as her own. Unwittingly, Sophie was drawn into the obsessive web of her lover. When his love turned evil, he ripped his daughter away. Years later, Sophie seeks a new life in Sonoma in the Villa with Lance and Rese. She finds herself drawn to a man she hopes is worthy of her trust. As this tentative yet promising relationship grows, her old life creeps in, hoping to ambush her.

Lance wants to jump on his white horse... oops, his Harley... to rescue Sophie. But what will that mean to his relationship with Rese? The third book in the Secrets Series by Kristen Heitzman challenges the reader to examine, experience and live the Christian faith. Not preachy, just awesome.

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